Play Sudoku

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Sudoku online is the famous logic-based number puzzle. Its rules are simple, but it's hard to solve. Enjoy!

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Sudoku rules

The rules for sudoku are simple. Fill in the 9x9 grid with numbers ranging from 1 to 9. Each row and each column should contain each number from 1 to 9 exactly once. Also the 3x3 subgrids that are indicated by heavier lines should contain each number from 1 to 9 exactly once.


  • Difficulty: Sets the difficulty of the puzzle (easy, medium or hard)
  • Color: Sets the color of the numbers that are placed on the grid
  • Verify: Sets whether the currently inputted numbers should be verified or not

Related games

There are many other number puzzle games, e.g. Numbrix and Futoshiki.

Sudoku 2.2, copyright © twb

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